
“No one is immune from domestic violence. This crime touches every ethnic group, every culture, and every strata of society – whether rich or poor, male or female. Acts of domestic violence happen to one out of every four American families and often go unreported.”

– CA Attorney General

Mission Statement: 7FamilyGenerations promotes family values from a humanistic perspective by helping fathers and men heal from the generational trauma of abuse, genocide, neglect, cultural erasure, forced relocation, and fatherlessness, through transformational leadership. We will educate current generations on healing and sustainability from the history and trauma of our ancestors so they can educate generations of the future.

What is Domestic Violence?

Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.

-Nikola Tesla

Support Group and Prevention Programs

2025 Basketball Youth Tournament

Spring Break 2025


If you are located in Los Angeles County and looking for additional services, please find additional resources on the County Hotlines & Resources page or download the Reaching Out Booklet here, a shelter provider list here, or a legal service provider list here.

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

-Thomas Edison

(Educational Consulting since 2005) Advocating for male survivors of domestic violence.

Victims’ Bill Of Rights: Marsy’s Law

Californians approved Proposition 9, the Victims’ Bill of Rights Act: Marsy’s Law, in November 2008. Marsy’s Law expanded the rights of victims. An overview of the rights is listed, along with helpful resources, on a card that can be printed out from this website, Marsy’s Card. Download the Marsy’s Pocket Card here.